Bug Check® BF Total Count Bacteria Test Kit

Bug Check® BF 


Bug Check® BF dip slide test kit is the simple easy-to-use bacteria test kit for counting total bacteria and fungi in all water-based fluids.  For over 90% of users this is the right test to use.

Application Examples: metalworking fluids, CNC coolants, latex and latex emulsions, e-coat paint systems, cooling water, industrial wash waters, turbine oils, hydraulic fluids, foundry washes, etc.

Find out if your bugs are blooming before it’s too late.

All water-based fluids are susceptible to microbial contamination-bugs! (bacteria, fungi and mold)

Stop using your nose to test for bugs!  Bug Check® BF provides a simple, scientific way to monitor your level of contamination.

Bugs are fast!  Bacteria can grow/bloom at phenomenal speed, i.e. cells can divide every 20 minutes.  At that rate, one “bug” will grow into 16 million cells in just 8 hours.

Bugs eat complex organic molecules that are the raw materials and additives that make up 90% of the cost of your fluid.  High levels of contamination lead not only to foul odors but to microbial spoilage of your products and health concerns for your workers.

It's better to be safe, than sorry.  With Bug Check® BF you can find out for yourself on site what is really going on in your fluids.


Tips for testing hydrocarbon based fluids using Bug Check® BF:

Bug Check® BF can be used for bacteria/mold testing in turbine oil, diesel and gasoline and other hydrocarbon based fluids.

Many of our customers utilize Bug Check® BF to test hydrocarbons for bacteria because this test is easier to use than the traditional Bug Check® FC or AB.   The KEY to using the Bug Check® BF for hydrocarbons is access to the water interface in the hydrocarbon-based fluid.  If you have access to the layer where the water and hydrocarbon fluids touch then give Bug Check® BF a try. The bugs live in this water-oil interface.

Bacteria, the “bugs”, require water to live; even a minuscule amount of water is enough.  The bugs live in the water and “eat” the carbon in the hydrocarbon fluid.  If you have “absolutely 100%” hydrocarbons, no water at all, then you will not have bacteria, because they cannot live without water, but even a very small amount of water (from condensation or humidity, for example) will support bacteria growth. 

Bug Check® BF makes for easier testing in your fuels, turbine oils and other hydrocarbon concentrates if you can reach the hydrocarbon - water interface at the bottom of the tank.

Bug Check® BF Brochure Links:

Bug Check® BF Directions     Bug Check® BF Conversion Chart      SDS