Bug Check® Bacteria and Fungi Dipslide Test Kits

Bug Check Bacteria and Mold tests

Bug Check® Dip Slide test kits for counting bacteria & fungi in all types of industrial fluids.

>Simple    >Quick    >Easy-to-Use    >Self-Contained

Bug Check® Dipslide Test Kits provide a simple, scientific way to monitor your level of contamination on-site, saving you money and time, so you can take action before it's too late.

All water-based fluids are susceptible to microbial contamination-bugs (bacteria, fungi, and mold).  Bugs eat the complex organic molecules that are the raw materials and additives that make up 90% of the cost of your material.  High levels of contamination lead not only to foul odors, but also to microbial spoilage of your products and health concerns for your workers.

Avoid the long wait (and expense) of an outside lab. Test on-site! Each bacteria dip slide test kit contains all needed supplies - no laboratory equipment or lab experience required. You do not have to be a microbiologist to use Bug Check® Bacteria dip slide test kits.

Our Bug Check® Test Kits are non-hazardous microbiological culture media. No hazard class label is required. 

Solutions can be simple.

Regular bacteria testing allows you to take corrective action that prevents damage to your products, reduces equipment downtime, and prevents employee health issues.



Stop using your nose to test for bacteria! 

Bacteria can bloom at phenomenal speed, cells can divide every 20 minutes. At that rate, one “bug” would grow into 16 million cells in just 8 hours. It is easy for bacteria (and the foul odors) to grow out of control.

All water-based fluids are susceptible to bugs! (bacteria, fungi, mold.)

Facts about bacteria: 

All water-based fluids are susceptible to microbial contamination:

Bacteria, “bugs”, require water to live; even a minuscule amount of water is enough. 

The bugs live in the water and “eat” the carbon in the hydrocarbon fluid.  If you have “absolutely 100%” hydrocarbons, no water at all, then you will not have bacteria, because they cannot live without water, but even a very small amount of water will support bacteria growth. Even condensation on tanks walls is enough. 

With every 10-degree F rise in temperature, bacteria growth rates double, increasing the number of odor molecules released. As bacteria multiply, so do the waste gases they manufacture.

Bacteria eat complex organic molecules that are the raw materials and additives that make up 90% or more of the cost of your material. High levels of contamination lead not only to foul odors, but to microbial spoilageof your products andhealth concernsfor your workers.

As bacteria multiply, so do the waste gases they manufacture. The larger the bacteria bloom the greater the stench.


The simple easy-to-use bacteria test kit for counting total bacteria and fungi in all water-based fluids. For over 90% of users this is the right test.

For use in metalworking fluids, e-coating systems, latex coatings and similar emulsions, adhesives, cooling tower water and industrial wash water, water-contaminated turbine oils, foundry core washes and many others.

Expect a 3-4 month shelf life upon delivery. 



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Bug Check BF can be used for bacteria/mold testing in turbine oildiesel and gasoline and other hydrocarbon based fluids.

Many of our customers utilize Bug Check BF to test hydrocarbons for bacteria because this test is easier to use than the traditional Bug Check FC or AB. The KEY to using the Bug Check BF test is your access to the water interface in the hydrocarbon-based fluid.  If you have access to where the water and hydrocarbon fluids touch each other then give Bug Check BF a try.  The “bugs” live in this water-oil interface.

Bacteria, the “bugs”, require water to live; even a minuscule amount of water is enough.  The bugs live in the water and “eat” the carbon in the hydrocarbon fluid.  If you have “absolutely 100%” hydrocarbons, no water at all, then you will not have bacteria, because they cannot live without water, but even a very small amount of water will support bacteria growth. 

Bug Check BF makes for easier testing in your fuels, turbine oils and other hydrocarbon concentrates if you can reach the hydrocarbon -water interface at the bottom of the tank.

All water-based fluids are susceptible to microbial contamination-bugs! (bacteria, fungi and mold). Stop using your nose to test for bugs! Bug Check® BF provides a simple, scientific way to monitor your level of contamination.


Bacteria test kit used to count sulfate-reducing bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) typically found in stagnant fluids with low levels of oxygen. Also used in water-contaminated petroleum products and fracking fluids. 

Bug Check® SRB 25 tests per kit $175


Anaerobic or sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) organisms grow best in the absence of free oxygen and are responsible for corrosion of metals and pitting of concrete as well as objectionable hydrogen sulfide odors (rotten egg smell).

No Laboratory Equipment Needed. Bug Check® SRB is a self-contained test. All needed materials and directions included. Readily handles dirty or high-solid samples. Perfect for field use. You do not have to be a microbiologist to use Bug Check® SRB.

Used in the following processes and industries:

·  cooling towers and boiler water

·  paper processing industries

·  water-based coatings and adhesives

·  metalworking and hydraulic fluids

·  secondary oil-recovery effluents

·  petroleum and petroleum-based products

·  deep water wells

Bug Check® is a bacteria test of non-hazardous, microbiological culture media. NO HAZARD CLASS LABEL OR PACARDS REQUIRED.


Bacteria & fungi test for hydrocarbon-based fluids, such asdiesel, gasoline, hydraulic fluidsand similar low-water-content or water-contaminated fluids.




Bacteria (only) test for hydrocarbon-based fluids, such as diesel, gasoline, hydraulic fluids and similar low-water-content or water-contaminated fluids.

Bug Check® AB 40 BACTERIA (ONLY) Tests per kit $145.00


Even hydrocarbon based-fluids are susceptible to microbial contamination. 

It only takes a trace amount of water for bugs to grow. Even condensation on tanks walls is enough. Bugs (bacteria, fungi, algae, yeast and mold) grow in diesel fuel, gasoline, solvents and other similar low-water-content fluids. 

Microbial contamination in hydrocarbon-based fluids, such as fuels and hydraulic fluids, is difficult to detect without an appropriate microbial test kit, yet causes significant and expensive operational problems. Direct bio degradation of fluid coupled with indirect effects, including microbial influenced corrosion, filter plugging, and sludge formation, presents serious difficulties.

Bug Check® FC and AB are microbial test kits that are specifically designed for determining bacterial and fungal contamination levels in distillate fuels and similar low-water-content fluids. Bug Check® FC and AB are accurate and consistent bacteria test kits that make counting both total bacteria and fungi simple and easy. 

The use of Bug Check® FC and AB are a simple, easy, yet scientific way to determine contamination levels.